The British Institute of Rome



Bir Test On line

Completa il tuo test online.

Seguirà un colloquio gratuito con un nostro esperto.

I tuoi dati

1. We …...............................… tonight. Do you want to join us?

2. He is a very good friend of ……...........

3. How long …...............................…… living here in New York now?

4. Accommodation tends to be …...............................…… in the city centre.

5.  ……...............................… come for lunch this Sunday?

6. I …...............................…… Elisabeth since last year.

7.  .................................... information was made available to the local community.

8. I don’t want to go to the party, ................................. you come with me.

9. That was the ……………………………….…… meal you’ve ever cooked, my compliments!

10. We finally ……...............................… contact the airline after hours of trying.

11. David ..............................…… a professional rugby player.

12. You really ................................ contact an expert to sort out the problem.

13. The office ……………………………..….. every day.

14. We …...............................… to the US next year.

15.  ................................... seen my phone? I can’t find it.

16. Janet ……..……………………. works at all, compared to her previous job as a lawyer.

17. My two brothers love football, ………………………………… watch every game at the weekends.

18. ……………………………….… appreciate help, when it is offered.

19.  …………………………………… day and night is not good for you. You need to have some fun too!

20. Where’s John? He promised he ………………………… on time this morning.

Scrivi una breve composizione in inglese (cinquanta parole) e descrivi o te stesso, o il tuo lavoro, o le tue vacanze

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A quale corso sei interessato?